This blog is about looking at both the positive and negative side of k-pop by linking k-pop to some common worldly issues. The aim of this

blog is to provide a somewhat neutral approach to Korean music in a worldly manner. Whether you decided to support K-pop with colourful

flying banners or throw banana peels at the artists after reading this blog is entirely up to you ~

Wednesday 29 May 2013

K-pop War in Action

Want to see who's been behind the scenes of creating this blog? Well... Right now, the debate is on !

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Talented Humans Everywhere !!!

Alright, I admit there are some pretty ‘dedicated’ fans out there, and we even have a name for them ‘Sasaeng fans’ are those who need help and you can go look it up on the internet if you want to know more about them. I just wanted to tell you that not ALL fans fall under that sector and some of them are just normal people who are a fan and supporter of K-pop. Letters written in blood are down right scary as hell but there are also fans that send supportive notes and messages to the idols and the idols seem to really appreciate this. Many fandoms have also helped raised money for projects and charities and this is again all thank to the love they feel for their idols. Fan made things such as fanart and fanfiction may be a little awkward for the idol to personally read and see but the skills, talent, time and love spent on these little creations should not be overlooked.

Remember that time you wrote a letter to Santa telling him what you wanted in your stocking ? Well what you did there is exactly what K-pop fans are doing to their idols. Yes I know you didn’t write it in blood but I’ve already admitted that issue was indeed creepy so don’t bring that up again. What I’m trying to say is that all the fans want to do is be able to in some way reach out to someone they deeply admire and love. The idols appreciate these messages ! Super Junior member Yesung even tweeted a screenshot of the millions of farewell messages fans have sent to him from all over the world before he leaves for military services. Oh and all those ‘stalker shots’ are basically the fan’s curiosity of what their idols like to wear without the millions of stylists helping them. Fans just wanted to know what style of fashion and what interests K-pop stars have. Stop over reacting people !

It’s funny really, how just because those fanfictions consist of two male characters falling in love, they are immediately considered ‘bad’. Again, homophobic much ? Just image if you were reading the exact same story and it was about a heterosexual couple, I’m willing to bet you wouldn’t see anything ‘wrong’ or ‘creepy’ about it. Some of these authors write better stories than any novel I’ve read and have a better plot than any movie I’ve seen so why are people over looking this talent and labelling these fine works with such a negative title. Go and press on that link and give it a try, just replace the names with ‘Tom’ and ‘Mary’ and I’m sure you will enjoy it. After the written stuff, now we’re getting to the more visual artistic side. Firstly I’m going to make a confession; I can’t draw to save my life and stick figures are as far as I’m ever going to get. I’m sure a lot of you out there share this characteristic with me right ? Good. Cause now you won’t be in the position of saying anything negative towards those talent people who draw fanarts so well they should be hung in the museums. 

All images credited to their rightful owners ~

Scarier than the FBI

Well ok ~ I admit I knew nothing about this Super Junior group and maybe I was a little hash on judging them without knowing they had so much history together. Still, you can’t blame me ! The stuff and rumours that fans produce these days are C.R.A.Z.Y. I don’t even know where to start about these fan girls (not being sexist but yes they mostly are girls). Maybe I should start about letters written in period blood (I am not even joking), the stalker photos and videos, the car chases, the investigations and the enormous amount of fan made things. I wish I was talking about a fan made card but I’m not, more the photoshopping and fanfictions. Scary ? That’s an understatement. Really if you thought Justin Bieber fans are crazy, wait till you see these ones; honestly, if K-pop never existed these people might have never come to live this kind of distorted life. Not putting the blame but someone’s gotta take responsibility for being the cause right ?

I’ll start with the period blood letter cause I am sure that caught your attention (in a not so good way) already. It’s legit guys, Taecyeon from the boy band 2PM had received a letter written in ... the mentioned substances and ‘sprinkled with pubes’. I don’t think I need to say anything about how ... insane this is and don’t have hope that’s it’s a fake cause they got the police involved and all that. Just be thankful I’m moving on now and that nothing like happened to you. Despite however insane these fans are, some are rather smart and in fact, they might be an international spy (that would be fun to imagine). When Victoria from the girl band f(x) posted a seemingly innocent photo on a Chinese social network of her food, fans were quick to zoom in and point out that on the reflection of the spoon was a member of the famous boy band, Changmin from TVXQ. And you thought all that zooming in stuff you see on tv stays in tv, apparently its quite common in the world of K-pop fandoms, then of cause they go on about the two are dating and are secretly married and blablabla.

So the stuff mentioned previously were true stuff with real people, now its time to move on to the fans that are more imaginative and umm ... artsy. The two main topics are fanart and fanfiction and both are equally as creepy. Now back to that issue I went on about on homosexual relationships between members and I was saying it wasn’t my fault. This is the time to prove it. I mean, even you would think there’s something going on if you see millions of photos and pictures of them kissing and doing inappropriate things together ! There are videos which zoom onto the smallest details and fictional stories that just sound so realistic you sometimes wonder if the author turned herself into a fly and observed the members before she write the ‘facts’ down. Really these people need to go get some help. My theory is that the fans are thinking ‘He is so perfect that no women can match up to him but humans need love to live so I better pair him up with another male so I feel less jealous.’ and then all those little artworks and stories are created to make them believe that what they think is the reality. Maybe they don’t understand that they are the exact reason why some people are so against K-pop, because it is K-pop that creates these monsters. 

All images credited to their rightful owners ~

Monday 22 April 2013

Can ~ You Feel ~ The Love ~ Tonight ~

If there’s one thing that I love about K-pop bands that I’ve never been able to find in any other bands in the America market, it’s the bond between the members. Focusing on one band again, Super Junior has one of the greatest relationship with each other for a bunch of non blood related people. Hell they love each other even more than some siblings I’ve seen and I’m NOT talking about love in a romantic way. They have known each other for almost 10 years now and look at it this way, siblings and families can give each other kisses and hugs right ? Why can’t the members if they see each other as brothers ? People are over-reacting just because their lips brushed a little, I say the only time you should start worrying is if you see the kiss turn intense.

Ok guys, just look at the first video and just LOOK at all those memories they created together all these years. Don’t you guys think its so sweet how they see every concert as a chance to enjoy themselves and let the audience join themselves as well as allowing us to listen to them sing ? Their concerts are not rehearsed and every fun and touching moment is from the heart. Having gone through so many years together, of cause they will be more affection with each other. Can you imagine that moment when they step out and see they have all these fans to support them, or the time they get an award from all their hard work; of cause they will want a huggie. That’s the magic of K-pop bands, they are like a bunch of talented brothers who want to spread the joy around. Not a group of random strangers put in a group together who don’t even communicate out of band actives because they are only together to create profit for a business. This is defiantly love, but not romantic love, it’s the love shared between family.

This next video is less joyful, because you can’t create a life bond with someone who you have only shared joy with and no pain. Super Junior is a band that went from an ‘experiment’ by the company to a poplar award wining group. During the years they had members involved in accidents which left them hospitalized for months, parents have passed away and one member was left with a 10% chance of living. Really, these boys have seen it all and they have done this together. They are each other’s soul mate and as much as I personally wouldn’t agree they have any type of romantic relationship with each other in real life, I would never object if they did. What’s the big deal anyway ? There are too many people out there who are homophobic and cause pain to those that are in love with someone they didn’t choose to; Super Junior is just sub-consciously giving those who suffer some mental support. In this video you can see how much they mean to one another and trust me, if you had gone through all they have with someone, you wouldn’t have second thoughts out giving them a playful kiss on the check or a warm hug when you feel like they need one either.

Get A Room Guys !!! (>///<)

Since we’ve brought up the topic of feminine k-pop male idols last time, it would be quite logical to explore the disturbing amount of fangirls who would give up everything in their bank account to see members of the same band feel each other up or pash each other on stage. Don’t get me wrong, I’m completely fine with homosexuals and I’m even friends with a few myself, but it’s a completely different matter here. The issue I’ve detected is that there is an enormous amount of fans out there who only like particular bands because they act all ... well, gay on camera. Majority, this issue occurs in boy bands so let’s just focus on one; Super Junior. As much as I would completely be supportive if they came out as a real couple, sometime, maybe they are enjoying themselves a little too much and sometimes there are things that I would prefer them to do behind closed doors.

‘I SHIP THEM !!!’ I could almost hear the fangirls scream that in my ear. To ‘ship’ two people together is to support their love and rejoice everytime they get intimate. Just how wrong is that ? Again, not a homosexual or heterosexual issue here but all that PDA (Publicly Displayed Affection) should be left at home. I wouldn’t want to see that among my straight friends and if my friends do this in front of me, they certainly wouldn’t want me spazzing how sweet and cute it is next to them, so why am I seeing this when they are suppose to be singers ? Last time I checked, singers sing songs and not film goosebumpy clips. I’m already being very thoughtful to pick the clip that shows the making of the film and not the final product. Because trust me, if you walked past and saw the final film, you would most likely ask me why I am watching an R rated homosexual film so openly. Really, is this all is left of the K-pop industry ?

If you didn’t hear the screaming in the background in the last clip then you can certainly hear it this time. Just about every single time two members ... err ... ‘interact’ with each other you can hear the sound of excitement from the audience. The member’s themselves seem pretty casual about the whole thing. Sure, if pressing your lips against a close friend can be seen in a casual thing then yeah. But still, did all those people just pay for a ticket to watch that ? Cause really, fangirls mostly consist of teenage girls and this is not appropriate at all. Its not a huge deal, this is probably when a hen’s party would look like so its not their actions that are the problem. It’s the fact that the K-pop industry is presenting like a show for entertainment purposes. I’m just feeling sorry for these poor fellows who have to rub themselves against one another just because that’s the only thing that will increase their popularity. Doesn’t the K-pop industry have people with skills and talent ? Well use them !!!

Friday 19 April 2013


Jealously is really ~ a horrible little green eyed monster. It seems like some people just can’t get over the fact that men make better women then them. Grow. Up. Really, I don’t see what there is to complain about just because they look rather pretty. Would lightly over-weight men who do the horsey dance like PSY be more attractive to them ? I hope not. Just for the sake of them though, there are plenty ~ of manly K-pop idols that almost scream ‘RAMBO’ in your face. I could’ve picked from the millions of images I had of wonderful photos which display lovely abs, but I decided to instead show to you how manly people can be just by standing there. *Whispers* I can show you those abs photos anyways, who doesn’t like some good eye candy ;)

When you think of the word ‘handsome’ within the K-pop industry, you are most likely thinking of Siwon from Super Junior. Some like him and some hate him, but at the end of the day you just have to admit he does look rather handsome whether you like it or not. It’s hard to explain in words about images cause its just all there in front of you already. I don’t have to mention how he is wearing simple clothes but its screaming ‘Attractive’ in my face, nor do I need to mention how dang good he looks just by ... well ... standing there. He would also be known as the ‘King of Advertisements’ and its almost shocking how many magazines and ads he hass been in. I can’t even give you a number since there’s so much but I can tell you his name and face and OMG his body ~ is used throughout the whole of Asia. Manly, handsome, model, singer, actor, rich ... *sigh* Not my cup of tea but Siwon you make such a good Asian Prince Charming.

TOP is a member of ‘Big Bang’ and not only is he the top in looks within his members, he is actually considered the top in looks throughout his whole company ! (Siwon who was mentioned previously is from a different company). It almost seems like nothing would tone down his manliness no matter what you do. I am willing to bet that you can throw him in a dress and he would look perfectly manly. Not that his company had been heartless enough (thank goodness) yet. Already pretty convinced he looks good ? Oh you haven’t seen him in the other millions of magazine his been in. Tall, dark and mysterious attracts women like honey to bees and it just happens that TOP is all three. Ok, I gotta stop myself before I start sounding like I’m trying to find them a wife. Again, its hard to describe how naturally manly he looks just sitting there in normal clothes, so I’ll just spam you with some Eye Candy. Come to the dark side, we have candy, eye candy ~

 All images credited to their rightful owners ~

Too Feminine to be Ken

There was always one thing that confused me when I watched any K-pop MVs ... or, basically when I see K-pop idols. This thing that keeps bugging me is that I can never tell the difference between the girls and the guys. Which is really really annoying cause sometimes I’ll be like “Oh look she’s so pretty ~ But of cause, she’s a K-pop idol and its given that she has good skin and good figure and ... WHAT, IT’S A DUDE ?!?!” Can you even imagine how crush I felt when I realized the dudes made a better woman then me ? The question is, why do they look so ... girly and feminine ? Are they more popular is they are this way, cause if so then maybe they should just have females idols instead of having the company play dress up with the make idols.

Taemin is a member from the boy band ‘Shinee’ and before anyone ask me, it’s an all boy band and Taemin is most definitely a man. It might be that God was a little too busy on that day and accidentally gave him a very feminine face ... and good skin ... and a good body. That’s ok, he was born this way and I’m sure he could look very manly if he tried. Tried very hard that it. But why does it seem like K-pop companies are promoting the fact that he looks like a girl ? Ok I get that he makes a more attractive female than me already ! Stop making him cross dress so he looks even more girly !!! I know  that he himself had always complained that the company makes him cross dress, so he probably doesn’t enjoy it either. So lay off the dress and wigs. In that video there I’m sure if not that his shoulders are rather broad he would make a perfect girl. Dang those legs and in heels too ! I even heard one of them sing off tune for a bit, probably got distracted by Taemin ... or, maybe it wasn’t distract, it was disturbed !

When you think of ‘Pretty guys’ in the world of K-pop you cannot forget Heechul from ‘Super Junior’. This guy is so girly it hurts my eyes and makes me want to puke rainbows and butterflies cause he’s just so ... Ahhhh !!! And yes I know he is annoyed at his face too because he ALWAYS tried to wear glasses in MVs. Its almost like he is hoping they make him look more manly. Heechul, give it up cause you still look like a woman. Especially with the way you act. Oh, and don’t get me started in the video.  Again, why you music companies like making them cross dress ? I bet the director of the company secretly has a thing for dressing up himself. There’s nothing wrong with it but if you like it, you do it yourself. Stop making the K-pop male idols suffer *cough* and most importantly my eyes *cough*. I really don’t think anyone would want to see a bunch of unwilling guys cross dress and dancing on the stage.

All images credited to their rightful owners ~