This blog is about looking at both the positive and negative side of k-pop by linking k-pop to some common worldly issues. The aim of this

blog is to provide a somewhat neutral approach to Korean music in a worldly manner. Whether you decided to support K-pop with colourful

flying banners or throw banana peels at the artists after reading this blog is entirely up to you ~

Friday 19 April 2013

Too Feminine to be Ken

There was always one thing that confused me when I watched any K-pop MVs ... or, basically when I see K-pop idols. This thing that keeps bugging me is that I can never tell the difference between the girls and the guys. Which is really really annoying cause sometimes I’ll be like “Oh look she’s so pretty ~ But of cause, she’s a K-pop idol and its given that she has good skin and good figure and ... WHAT, IT’S A DUDE ?!?!” Can you even imagine how crush I felt when I realized the dudes made a better woman then me ? The question is, why do they look so ... girly and feminine ? Are they more popular is they are this way, cause if so then maybe they should just have females idols instead of having the company play dress up with the make idols.

Taemin is a member from the boy band ‘Shinee’ and before anyone ask me, it’s an all boy band and Taemin is most definitely a man. It might be that God was a little too busy on that day and accidentally gave him a very feminine face ... and good skin ... and a good body. That’s ok, he was born this way and I’m sure he could look very manly if he tried. Tried very hard that it. But why does it seem like K-pop companies are promoting the fact that he looks like a girl ? Ok I get that he makes a more attractive female than me already ! Stop making him cross dress so he looks even more girly !!! I know  that he himself had always complained that the company makes him cross dress, so he probably doesn’t enjoy it either. So lay off the dress and wigs. In that video there I’m sure if not that his shoulders are rather broad he would make a perfect girl. Dang those legs and in heels too ! I even heard one of them sing off tune for a bit, probably got distracted by Taemin ... or, maybe it wasn’t distract, it was disturbed !

When you think of ‘Pretty guys’ in the world of K-pop you cannot forget Heechul from ‘Super Junior’. This guy is so girly it hurts my eyes and makes me want to puke rainbows and butterflies cause he’s just so ... Ahhhh !!! And yes I know he is annoyed at his face too because he ALWAYS tried to wear glasses in MVs. Its almost like he is hoping they make him look more manly. Heechul, give it up cause you still look like a woman. Especially with the way you act. Oh, and don’t get me started in the video.  Again, why you music companies like making them cross dress ? I bet the director of the company secretly has a thing for dressing up himself. There’s nothing wrong with it but if you like it, you do it yourself. Stop making the K-pop male idols suffer *cough* and most importantly my eyes *cough*. I really don’t think anyone would want to see a bunch of unwilling guys cross dress and dancing on the stage.

All images credited to their rightful owners ~

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