This blog is about looking at both the positive and negative side of k-pop by linking k-pop to some common worldly issues. The aim of this

blog is to provide a somewhat neutral approach to Korean music in a worldly manner. Whether you decided to support K-pop with colourful

flying banners or throw banana peels at the artists after reading this blog is entirely up to you ~

Monday 22 April 2013

Can ~ You Feel ~ The Love ~ Tonight ~

If there’s one thing that I love about K-pop bands that I’ve never been able to find in any other bands in the America market, it’s the bond between the members. Focusing on one band again, Super Junior has one of the greatest relationship with each other for a bunch of non blood related people. Hell they love each other even more than some siblings I’ve seen and I’m NOT talking about love in a romantic way. They have known each other for almost 10 years now and look at it this way, siblings and families can give each other kisses and hugs right ? Why can’t the members if they see each other as brothers ? People are over-reacting just because their lips brushed a little, I say the only time you should start worrying is if you see the kiss turn intense.

Ok guys, just look at the first video and just LOOK at all those memories they created together all these years. Don’t you guys think its so sweet how they see every concert as a chance to enjoy themselves and let the audience join themselves as well as allowing us to listen to them sing ? Their concerts are not rehearsed and every fun and touching moment is from the heart. Having gone through so many years together, of cause they will be more affection with each other. Can you imagine that moment when they step out and see they have all these fans to support them, or the time they get an award from all their hard work; of cause they will want a huggie. That’s the magic of K-pop bands, they are like a bunch of talented brothers who want to spread the joy around. Not a group of random strangers put in a group together who don’t even communicate out of band actives because they are only together to create profit for a business. This is defiantly love, but not romantic love, it’s the love shared between family.

This next video is less joyful, because you can’t create a life bond with someone who you have only shared joy with and no pain. Super Junior is a band that went from an ‘experiment’ by the company to a poplar award wining group. During the years they had members involved in accidents which left them hospitalized for months, parents have passed away and one member was left with a 10% chance of living. Really, these boys have seen it all and they have done this together. They are each other’s soul mate and as much as I personally wouldn’t agree they have any type of romantic relationship with each other in real life, I would never object if they did. What’s the big deal anyway ? There are too many people out there who are homophobic and cause pain to those that are in love with someone they didn’t choose to; Super Junior is just sub-consciously giving those who suffer some mental support. In this video you can see how much they mean to one another and trust me, if you had gone through all they have with someone, you wouldn’t have second thoughts out giving them a playful kiss on the check or a warm hug when you feel like they need one either.

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