This blog is about looking at both the positive and negative side of k-pop by linking k-pop to some common worldly issues. The aim of this

blog is to provide a somewhat neutral approach to Korean music in a worldly manner. Whether you decided to support K-pop with colourful

flying banners or throw banana peels at the artists after reading this blog is entirely up to you ~

Monday 15 April 2013

English ? More like 'Engrish' ...

Lets have a 1 minute silence for the English Language. Why ? Cause I just discovered that that the majority of K-pop singers suck at English ! So what if they sing in a language we all know, we still wont be able to understand a thing ! Those who like K-pop are gonna spend their time listening to incorrect English with horrible pronunciation. Not long until they are going to be saying ‘I lub you’ to their partner instead of ‘I love you’ and correct me if I am wrong but the last time I checked, that wouldn’t be considered romantic. Not at all.

I still remember that moment I first listened to ‘Uncommitted’ by Xia (Junsu). I thought it was pretty good and was happy with being able to just sing along to the very few lines of English just like other K-pop songs; until I discovered the whole song was actually in English. Now it wasn’t the most horrible thing I have ever heard in my life but even knowing it was English, I still had to go and Google the lyrics just so I could sing along. Ok. I got the lyrics, now what ? Do I follow his accent for the song or should I use my own Aussie accent which would then sound nothing like the song ?!? Look Xia, you had a whole team of people to help you with this and lets be honest, you cant possibly tell me you don’t make enough money to hire a English teacher. If this is what is released to the public as a studio song AFTER getting help, then ... I duno, I love you and all that but maybe you should just stick to singing Korean.

Click me to listen to the song Uncommitted !!!  

If you thought the English in K-pop music was bad, wait till you see them attempt to use it without a bunch of people teaching them beforehand. I know this was years ago but do you want to see the famous boy band Super Junior try and play an English game on a show ? The idea was that they change from English to Korean, trying to pass along a sentence. Now from 0:24 onwards, you can see they have already failed at this game; because from a Princess having a little snowball fight, they had somehow managed to make her fight a snowboard. Beautiful fairytale you guys got there ... But I don’t really blame you guys for stuffing up, the English from the beginning was already stuffed up ! At 2:30 the paper reads ‘Park pd has very good looking, nice manner and foot smell’ ... Someone remind me what language that is... Still I do wonder how they can make that (horrible and incorrect) sentence into ‘see good ... us’ and ‘his foot smell ... danger’. Again the point is; I’m cool with K-pop going international and all but even so, they should stick to their own language. Why not present to us a new language instead of try and act all English because trust me, the most that’s going to get you is an embarrassing name change like from ‘Yesung’ to ‘Yeh Sex’. Again, not romantic.

Click me to see the English game show with Super Junior !!!  

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