This blog is about looking at both the positive and negative side of k-pop by linking k-pop to some common worldly issues. The aim of this

blog is to provide a somewhat neutral approach to Korean music in a worldly manner. Whether you decided to support K-pop with colourful

flying banners or throw banana peels at the artists after reading this blog is entirely up to you ~

Wednesday 10 April 2013

My Eyes Are Burning With Passion !!!

So I heard someone tried to convince you guys that K-pop MVs were both visually unappealing and lacked content ? What. A. Joke. Don’t mind me, I’m just going to go and roll around in laugher in that little corner over there. Now, I don’t mean to sound rude but people these days should try and not be so spoon-fed by whatever the general media throws at you. The only thing people think of whenever anyone says ‘K-pop’, is the ever so famous ‘Gangnam Style’ but that would be the same as thinking the only American singer is Rebecca Black. Just because things go global, it doesn’t mean they are the best.

I’m sure most people would agree with me that ‘Gangnam Style’ pretty much ruined the expectations of ever seeing anything visually pleasing in a K-pop MV. Well you people really ~ need to check out the MV for ‘Trouble Maker’ sang by Hyuna and Hyunseung. Long-legged beautiful model ? Tick. Well-dressed dancer dude ? Tick. A touch of mysterious undercover spy theme ? Tick. Even if the pretty lady isn’t really your style, you gotta admire her for dancing in those heels and that extremely long singlet ... or it could be an extremely short dress. Either way, someone throw her over to model for Victoria’s Secret please ! The guy, oh my goodness ... how does he pull off all that guy-liner ? Ok, seriously now, his dance moves were both clean and crisp & lingering and sensual. Come on guys, you can’t see this kind of dance in every MV, savour the moment ! I believe just those two should be enough to convince anyone to give K-pop a try and throw all that ‘K-pop MVs are visually unappealing’ out the window, into a hole, and deep down to the core of the earth where it can burn ~

Click me to see the MV Trouble Maker !!! 

Oh yes, there was also this ‘K-pop MVs have no content’ issue floating around. Catch this statement in a net, seal it in a glass jar and throw it into a black hole up in space. Or, I could just drown that comment in my own personal sea of tears I produced when I saw the MV from ‘Brown Eyed Girls’ called ‘Cleansing Cream’. At first I thought the song was about something stupid like washing your face. I was never more wrong. The MV shows a sad 3:38 minute story of how a blind girl wanted to find comfort from her sister but was meet with jealousy and hatred because under all those layers of makeup, was a grown woman who lacked in self confidence and trust. No more words can be touching enough to explain this, just watch the MV and get your hands on the translations of the song and you will now that the MV wasn’t made just to have something to show on the screen while the artists sings. It really gets you thinking about yourself and the world. Just how much are you hiding underneath your mask, and what are you sacrificing ? In this case it was family, but what about you, will it be something more painful than family ?

Click me to see the MV Cleansing Cream !!!

All images credited to the YouTube official MV ~

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